
Light Packaging

This is an update of an older project of mine. Intended as a re-brand of a ubiquitous product with the intention of making it appeal to a new audience. The packaging of light bulbs largely looked the same which meant no particular brand stood out. They were also not being marketed to young people, who are new to living on their own and purchasing items for home maintenance.


Light Packaging

print | packaging

This is an update of an older project of mine. Intended as a re-brand of a ubiquitous product with the intention of making it appeal to a new audience. The packaging of light bulbs largely looked the same which meant no particular brand stood out. They were also not being marketed to young people, who are new to living on their own and purchasing items for home maintenance.


It was my thinking that a design with a greater focus on aesthetics would be more appealing to a younger audience. Most of the packaging is covered with stylised quotes about light, with the necessary light bulb information contained to one side of the box.
